What is an example of a Skyn data pattern?

*Please note that this is a general guideline/set of information to assist with data collection and is NOT intended to direct anyone's research or influence data interpretation.

  • In general, a TAC ug/L (air) data collection should look similar to a % BAC drinking curve, but Skyn will collect data points every 20 seconds. Because Transdermal Alcohol Content takes time to be expressed at the skin surface level, there will be a delay in the TAC signal as compared to % BAC

  • When looking at a TAC ug/L data set, here are some tips for recognizing patterns of noise in the data
      • A ‘sawtooth’ pattern: If the general curve of a data collection session looks appropriate, but the curve has many small, rapid up and down inflections, Skyn is likely being worn too loose.

      • As mentioned above, the Skyn sensor will detect even small changes of placement on the wrist, and/or the distance between the sensor and the wearer’s wrist surface

      • If there are overall lower than expected values: This can be caused by Skyn being worn on the top of the wrist, or again, being too loose

      • If there are small positive fluctuations in TAC values when a wearer is sober: any change in the environment can have a small effect on TAC readings. If conducting lab data collection, it is possible to decrease noise in Skyn data by the following:
        • After a subject consumes their desired amount of alcohol, have the subject move to a new room that has had no open alcohol bottles or other open substances
        • After the alcohol dose is consumed, remove the alcohol from the test room
        • Make sure subjects do not have their own hand sanitizer, and cleaning products are removed or tightly sealed in the test room
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